Pursuing Master's Degree
in Software Engineering
4.0/4.0 GPA
Continued Pursuit of Learning
By pursuing a Master's degree in Software Engineering, I hope to gain an all encompassing view of Full Stack and Software Engineering. Every challenge in application building, web devleopment, database design, all from the top down excites me. I want a formal education to expose me to and teach as many technologies as possible. Having professors who are experts in their field and classmates for group projects from all different backgrounds, this Master's degree will certainly be an irreplaceable experience. The credentials alone will surely help myself to penetrate the industry but what I learn will propel me to success.
CS 5000 | Foundations of Programming
Java Programming Course. Syllabus: An accelerated approach to programming is presented with an emphasis on program design and computer science concepts. A modern, Object-Oriented language is used. Topics include core programming concepts including common data structures, function and class definition, inheritance, polymorphism, file I/O and exceptions, and recursion. Programming projects are included.
Java Data Structures Object-Oriented ProgrammingCS 5020 | Computer Architecture and Operating Systems
Syllabus: This accelerated course contains selected concepts from architecture including number systems, digital logic, basic logic design in combinational and sequential circuits, and assembly and machine language. Operating Systems concepts include management of resources including processes, real and virtual memory, jobs, processes, peripherals, network, and files.
Operating Systems Memory Optimization Computer ArchitectureFuture Curriculum
To give an overview of future classes I will be taking, some include: Cloud Computing, Mobile App Development, Database Design and Applications, Web Service Engineering, UI Engineering, Object-Oriented Analysis & Design and a final Capstone Project. While I am working I will continue to be learning both on and off the job due to the flexibility I have from taking courses in evenings.