Bachelor of Science
Mechanical Engineering
Problem Solving Foundation
Purdue provided me with tools for multi-faceted problem solving. Whether it was modeling two stage rockets, simulating crankshaft engines or programming autonomous vehicles, the method was the same. Identify your knowns, clearly define your problem, determine necessary assumptions and then solve. Projects often required data analysis of large sample sets and leveraged software like MATLAB and Python for presenting findings.
"Sheepdog" Autonomous Car
The goal of this project was to build, design and test an autonmous vehicle. Using light sensors to trace a centerline, the car's controller (myRIO) continuously calculated output voltage toward the motors to the wheels based on tested gain and time constants. The wheel also used a system of boolean loops to determine which wheels to turn, their speed, when to turn and reverse based on the light sensor input. I am proud to say my robot performed at the top of the class earning a perfect score for successful completion of the course within the time constraint.
Test Driven Development Data Analysis Real Time SystemsWarning Triangle Redesign
Redesign warning triangle to meet newly enforced government standards. The most challenging constraint being withstanding winds of 40mph for 3 minutes without adding weight. Wind simulations were written and analyzed, guiding final prototype design. Nominated to participate in Purdue's Malott competition.
Data Analysis Simulation PrototypingVolunteer Work
During my time at Purdue, I was highly involved in many organizations. From pit crew on a go-kart team, executive member of UNICEF's Purdue chapter to committee head of Purdue's Mechanical Engineering Program Ambassadors. I thrive in team environments and love getting to know new people.
Teamwork Leadership Motivated